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博信光学超市 / 2014-05-09

         In order to study cross correlated properties and light scattering of optical thin films interfaces roughness, the theoretical models of optical thin films interfaces roughness light scattering were concisely presented. Furthermore, based on the expression of vectorial scattering of optical films, influence of interfaces roughness cross-correlated properties on light scattering was analyzed by total backscattering theory. Moreover, effects of TiO2 single optical films thickness, substrate roughness of K9 glass and ion beam assisted deposition (IBAD) technique on interface roughness cross correlated properties were studied by experiments, respectively. The results show that theoretical results obtained by integrating vector light scattering are agreement well with experimental results. With the increase of films thickness and substrates roughness, the interfaces roughness cross-correlated properties decrease. When ion beam assisted deposition is used, a high degree of cross-correlated properties can be observed.



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