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博信光学元件超市 / 2014-05-04

       为了解决具有大畸变内窥镜标定的标志点提取困难和人工参与较多等问题, 提出了一种简单快速准确的棋盘格标志点提取方法。该方法是采用粗提取和优化来完成棋盘格标志点的提取的: 首先利用高斯滤波去除图像噪声, 并计算两次图像的梯度特征, 利用梯度极值约束得到粗提取的角点; 然后利用棋盘格标志点的对称特点消除噪声点的影响, 并得到优化的角点位置。实验结果表明, 该方法简单易行, 计算量小, 不需要人工干预即可获得全部标志点, 反投影误差小于0.2pixel。

       In an endoscopy camera calibration, the serious distortion makes the corner detection more difficult, and requires more human intervention. To solve this problem, a flexible, simple and precise method to extract the checkerboard corners is proposed. This method uses a Gaussian filter to remove the image noise, and calculates the gradient feature twice, and roughly locates the corners by constraining the extreme values. Then, this method removes the noise points by checking the symmetry characteristics of the checkerboard corners. At last, the optimized location of corners is acquired. The experiment results show that this method is simple, and requires a small amount of calculation, and can extract all the corners without human intervention. The average re-projection error is less than 0.2 pixel.



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